Straighter teeth. Healthier you.

A straight smile is about more than just looks: Proper teeth alignment supports effective oral hygiene that promotes better dental and overall health.1

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How do misaligned teeth affect your health?

Misaligned teeth can cause a host of oral health problems: Premature wear, gum disease,2 bacteria buildup, or even tooth loss.3 Severe misalignments can also affect eating, drinking, speaking, and proper breathing.4

More than 70% of American adults have some degree of tooth misalignment (or malocclusion, in doctor-speak!).5 Luckily, solutions like Invisalign® treatment are designed to improve your oral health and boost your confidence along the way.

But first things first: Identify your symptoms to find the right solution.

How do misaligned teeth affect your health?

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Misaligned teeth can cause a host of oral health problems: Premature wear, gum disease,2 bacteria buildup, or even tooth loss.3 Severe misalignments can also affect eating, drinking, speaking, and proper breathing.4

More than 70% of American adults have some degree of tooth misalignment (or malocclusion, in doctor-speak!).5 Luckily, solutions like Invisalign® treatment are designed to improve your oral health and boost your confidence along the way.

But first things first: Identify your symptoms to find the right solution.

Have you experienced any of these symptoms lately?

  • Discoloration of teeth in crowded areas

  • Inflammation and bleeding gums

  • Receding gums

  • Wobbly teeth

  • Teeth chipping or wearing

  • Jaw pain or headaches

  • Food getting caught between teeth

  • Tooth sensitivity

  • Difficulty flossing

  • Self-consciousness when smiling for photos

  • Indentations at the gum line

Have you experienced any of these symptoms lately?

  • Discoloration of teeth in crowded areas

  • Inflammation and bleeding gums

  • Receding gums

  • Wobbly teeth

  • Teeth chipping or wearing

  • Jaw pain or headaches

  • Food getting caught between teeth

  • Tooth sensitivity

  • Difficulty flossing

  • Self-consciousness when smiling for photos

  • Indentations at the gum line

What health benefits can you expect from straight teeth?

Healthier gums
Straight teeth make it easier to properly brush, floss, and remove debris from your gum line, so gum pockets, tooth decay, and gum disease are less likely to develop.3

Better oral hygiene
When straight teeth make it easier to properly brush and floss, it's also less difficult to remove plaque from the surface of your teeth, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Fewer costly dental procedures
Properly aligned teeth can relieve extra pressure on your bite. And that means less jaw pain, headaches, and chipped or worn-down teeth - which can be expensive to repair.

What health benefits can you expect from straight teeth?

Healthier gums
Straight teeth make it easier to properly brush, floss, and remove debris from your gum line, so gum pockets, tooth decay, and gum disease are less likely to develop.3

Better oral hygiene
When straight teeth make it easier to properly brush and floss, it's also less difficult to remove plaque from the surface of your teeth, reducing the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

Fewer costly dental procedures
Properly aligned teeth can relieve extra pressure on your bite. And that means less jaw pain, headaches, and chipped or worn-down teeth - which can be expensive to repair.

You deserve a beautiful, healthy smile.

Invisalign treatment, the #1 doctor-recommended clear aligner brand in the world,6 can help you get there. Millions of patients worldwide have used Invisalign aligners to straighten their smile. Here’s why:

  • Removable aligners mean easier oral care and no food or activity restrictions

  • Made with unique SmartTrack™ material to move your teeth more predictably7

  • Faster and less painful than braces.8,9

You deserve a beautiful, healthy smile.

Invisalign treatment, the #1 doctor-recommended clear aligner brand in the world,6 can help you get there. Millions of patients worldwide have used Invisalign aligners to straighten their smile. Here’s why:

  • Removable aligners mean easier oral care and no food or activity restrictions

  • Made with unique SmartTrack™ material to move your teeth more predictably7

  • Faster and less painful than braces.8,9

  1. Axel Kramer, Institute of Hygiene and Environmetal Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany and Christian Splieth, Preventive & Pediatric Dentistry, University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany. Health promotion through structured oral hygiene and good tooth alignment.
  2. Comparison of microbial composition in the subgingival plaque of adult crowded versus noncrowded dental regions. Chun-Hsi Chung, DMD, MS/Robert L. Vanarsdall, DDS/Elisabetta Ada Cavalcanti, DMD/Jill S. Baldinger, DMD/ Chern-Hsiung Lai, DMD, PhD. Int’l Journal of Adult Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery. (2000)
  3. Periodontal disease and tooth loss. Ong G. Int’l Dental Journal (6/98) Periodontal considerations in the use of bonds or bands on molars in adolescents and adults. Boyd RL Baurind S. The Angle Orthodontist. (1992) Gingival condition associated with orthodontic treatment. Zachrisson S. Zachrisson BU. The Angle Orthodontist. (1/72)
  4. National Center for Biotechnology Information. Misaligned Teeth and Jaws: Overview
  5. Prevalence and distribution of selected occlusal characteristics in the US population, 1988-1991. Brunelle et. Journal of Dental Research. (2/96)
  6. Based on a survey in March 2021 by iQVIA. If a dentist (n=911) or orthodontist (n=53) has performed 1+ teeth straightening treatment in the past week, they were asked, “which brand of clear aligner do you trust the most for teeth straightening?” From the list, Invisalign was chosen the most often at the 99% confidence interval. Data on file at Align Technology, as of May 4, 2021.
  7. Compared to Invisalign aligners previously made from single-layer (EX30) material.
  8. Gu, J et al. Evaluation of Invisalign treatment effectiveness and efficiency compared with conventional fixed appliances using the Peer Assessment Rating index. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop February 2017;151:259-66Buschang, P et al. Comparative time efficiency of aligner therapy and conventional edgewise braces. Angle Orthodontist, Vol 84, No 3, 2014
  9. In a study by Miller et al, with adults measuring pain in the first week of treatment. Kevin Miller et al. “A comparison of treatment impacts between Invisalign aligner and fixed appliance therapy during the first week of treatment.” American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics. Volume 131, Issue 3, pp. 302. e1-302.e9, March 2007.